Friday 26 October 2012

Thursday 25 October 2012

Directions & Advice

If you would like some local knowledge of the area or advice on directions, share your thoughts here! (comment below)

Weather & conditions:

If you have any comments on route conditions or would like to post a weather update - share your thoughts here!(comment below).


Please share your thoughts or ask a question about the EHW amenities. (Comment below)

Archive Comments

East Highland Way Guestbook Archive:
September 2010 – October 2012
|~|20100930215559|~|September 30, 2010 - 09:55 PM|~|Admin|~||~|The New East Highland Way Guidebook is now available!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20101001190754|~|October 01, 2010 - 07:07 PM|~|Admin|~||~|Glen Banchor right-of-way<br>1st to the 20th of October is busy local stalking dates through the glen. Stick to the path and its best to respect the wishes of landowners and managers.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20101002124653|~|October 02, 2010 - 12:46 PM|~|Jane Howard|~||~|Looks great, ordered my copy! Will walk in the spring with the doggy. I'm looking forward to it!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20101007230429|~|October 07, 2010 - 11:04 PM|~|AlanC|~||~|This is interesting.  Having walked the WHW and GGW I look forward to adding this one to my list of walks :-)|~||~||~|
|~|20101011104925|~|October 11, 2010 - 10:49 AM|~|A. Laing|~||~|Looking forward to this. Already done WHW, GGW and part of SW with my children. Well done.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20101011112028|~|October 11, 2010 - 11:20 AM|~|A.Laing|~||~|Just one question Kevin. Is the walk waymarked like WHW, GGW, etc? What's to stop someone taking a wrong turn if it is not?|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20101016152417|~|October 16, 2010 - 03:24 PM|~|Julie Deans|~||~|We walked the East Highland Way in Sept/Oct 2010 and were very impressed. A fanatastic walk with spectacular views and so much historical interest. A 'cannae no walk' in our opinion.|~||~||~|
|~|20101104161513|~|November 04, 2010 - 04:15 PM|~|Flora|~||~|Just wondered how we could add our campsite in Roy Bridge to your list of accommodation. We are accessible by stepping stones/wading when the River Spean is low enough as it was this summer when we had a group of German walkers from the East Highland Way as guests. Also only 3 miles from Spean Bridge by road.|~||~||~|
|~|20101227152350|~|December 27, 2010 - 03:23 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|I have just booked with Macs Adventures to walk the EHW first week of June, after walking the WHW last JUne, cant wait just hope it will be as impressive as the WHW and wont disapoint. I know its not way marked but should I get the OS or Landranger maps as well as your guidebook,  just wish there was more u tube footage.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110120064741|~|January 20, 2011 - 06:47 AM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|I now have your guidebook which looks great. Should i also take as a back up os maps or as gadling recommends landranger maps. Thanks|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110121230655|~|January 21, 2011 - 11:06 PM|~|Alibali|~||~|Tried to buy your book at Waterstones. After waiting 2 months, they finally said they couldn't supply. So that is that them. Guess I won't be walking it after all!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110122113548|~|January 22, 2011 - 11:35 AM|~|Admin|~||~|This first edition is currently sold online, Print-on-demand from as is indicated.  <br><br>The second edition will be in the shops May 1st 2011 if you prefer to wait.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110122190518|~|January 22, 2011 - 07:05 PM|~|Thomas Harper|~||~|Hi im planning a big cycle/walking journey from a town 30mins east of Edinburgh to Spey bay at the mouth of the river Spey.  Im wondering about the suitability of the east highland way for cycling.  Im planning to cycle into Edinburgh and along the union and forth and clyde canals and cut up to Milngavie and walk the west highland way.  I then planned to cycle the East Highland way and then the Speyside way to reach my destination.  Is it covered in the book at all.  I ordered the book.  Are there parts which aren't suitable for cycling where a alternative route wouldnt be hard to find.  <br>I had also thought about alternatively cycling the great glen way/caledonian canal and somehow cut across to join the speyside way at some point.  <br><br>If you have any information about cycling the east highland way or anyone who would know about how to do it.  I would really appreciate it.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110122192409|~|January 22, 2011 - 07:24 PM|~|Admin|~||~|The only section that might be tricky on a bike is through Glen Banchor, this can be easily bypassed via the A86, Laggan to Newtonmore..only a few miles. The rest should straight forward, may have to lift your bike over a couple of gates around Monessie. Have fun.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110204135614|~|February 04, 2011 - 01:56 PM|~|Dave|~||~|I'm looking to do the EHW later this year having done the WHW a few times the GGW & Speyside. Does anyone have info on camping along the route|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110209161432|~|February 09, 2011 - 04:14 PM|~|Jen|~||~|Is the 2nd edition of the guidebook a reprint or has it been revised since first published? Planning to walk in May and would like to have the book now, but will wait for the 2nd edition if worth it.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110218104545|~|February 18, 2011 - 10:45 AM|~|hali yikama|~||~|Very nices idea .<br>thank you alll.<br>good guestbook.|~||~||~|
|~|20110218111236|~|February 18, 2011 - 11:12 AM|~|ankara nakliyat|~||~|Very good site current and useful information  is really  available.<br>I will continue monitoring your site.<br>best regards|~||~||~|
|~|20110220135001|~|February 20, 2011 - 01:50 PM|~|Jen|~||~|Does anyone have a grid ref for the start of the walk in Fort William? (My guidebook is on order) Thanks.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110324183928|~|March 24, 2011 - 06:39 PM|~|Leza  Maloney|~||~|Just over 9 weeks until I start this walk, carrying straight on afterwards to do the Speyside Way, I am calling this my Scottish Coast to Coast, I am so ready for this, cant wait.  Look out for some UTube footage I am going to put some together as sadly at the moment there is very little. ;-)|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110329161231|~|March 29, 2011 - 04:12 PM|~|Simon Nicholas|~||~|I assume the way is not waymarked yet , planning to do it may|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110410110254|~|April 10, 2011 - 11:02 AM|~|Wolfgang Bastl|~||~|can i buy the guidebook in a bookshop in Aviemore?|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110418212136|~|April 18, 2011 - 09:21 PM|~|Kenlyn|~||~|Would like to do part of this walk (3 days max walking) with some scouts in July. We would be camping. Which sections would you recommend,|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110419211937|~|April 19, 2011 - 09:19 PM|~|Dick Hermsen|~||~|Hi,<br><br>I am planning to do the trip from Aviemore to Fort William starting 1May. Can i buy the book in Aviemore, or buy a PDF?  Or only the maps?<br>Thanks !|~||~||~|
|~|20110429194338|~|April 29, 2011 - 07:43 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|4 weeks to go until we do the EHW... husband now has his arm in a full plaster cast but we are still going to walk it and then carry on to do the Speyside Way... 150 miles in total with an injured husband, should make interesting photos.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110506181114|~|May 06, 2011 - 06:11 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|Have been looking for TGO but cant find it in any of our newsagents!!  Can only find Trail magazine which we already subscribe to.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110511194459|~|May 11, 2011 - 07:44 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|Many many many thanks Kevin for emailing me the TGO article, it is a really good read and we really enjoyed it.  Cant wait for my trip, not long to wait now !!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110519211737|~|May 19, 2011 - 09:17 PM|~|Paul-G|~||~|Picked up the new route guide this morning. Looks great, really looking forward to it. Anyone suggest any good places to stay around kinloch laggan? Pg|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110521165428|~|May 21, 2011 - 04:54 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|1 week to go to the start of our walk, hopefully the weather will be kind to us !|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110528191522|~|May 28, 2011 - 07:15 PM|~|Belinda Noda|~||~|I have an all terrain wheelchair and a strong husband- the first section looks relatively  flat is there an access guide that gives details of gradients on other sections?|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110530123329|~|May 30, 2011 - 12:33 PM|~|rob and jill|~||~|I would recommend a small pocket &quot;travel guide&quot; that only has the directional guides and will easily fit in a brest jacket pocket. No pictures, no history (save that for the full guidebook), just direction and waterproof paper.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110531214822|~|May 31, 2011 - 09:48 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|We are now half way across the walk. Finished the longest day of 20 miles and just had an excellent meal at the Rumblie. Tomorrow will be interesting as just been told that the bridge at glen banchor has been washed away....... Good job i bought my seal skinz socks with me. So far its been fantastic.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110601194645|~|June 01, 2011 - 07:46 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|Now finished day 4 and its been brilliant. The pictish fort was well worth the climb. The walk over glen banchor was fabulous the best part of the walk yet. This was true wild scotland with lots of deer and the best views ever and in our opinion so much better than rannoch moor.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110603172140|~|June 03, 2011 - 05:21 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|Finished the walk just over an hour ago and it was fabulous. So much better than the west highland way as we only met one other couple doing it the same time so you have the walk near enough to yourself. Glen banchor was true wild scotland. Weldone a definite thumbs up|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110606171248|~|June 06, 2011 - 05:12 PM|~|Nik|~||~|Planning to walk the East Highland Way next week. Have purchased the guidebook but wondered if there was a memory map file available? I never normally use GPS and would not intend to on this walk but it would provide a back up in case I got really, really, lost!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110607124018|~|June 07, 2011 - 12:40 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|Nic, map co ordinates in guide book stick these in your gps and you cant go wrong. Fantastic walk we have carried on and are currently on the speyside way to extent it. Enjoy. Glen banchor fantastic you may need seal skinz socks.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110607124158|~|June 07, 2011 - 12:41 PM|~|Leza Maloney|~||~|Nic, map co ordinates in guide book stick these in your gps and you cant go wrong. Fantastic walk we have carried on and are currently on the speyside way to extent it. Enjoy. Glen banchor fantastic you may need seal skinz socks.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110617204341|~|June 17, 2011 - 08:43 PM|~|Leza|~||~|Hi, if you are going to walk the EHW please look at my footage on You Tube which I have just put on to see just how brilliant the walk is.  Just search for East Highland Way.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110621201936|~|June 21, 2011 - 08:19 PM|~|Nik|~||~|Leza thanks for your comments. Wish I could have carried on as well! Finished the EHW yesterday, really enjoyed the scenery and didn't see another serious walker the entire trip. Great feeling of isolation and solitude. Prob my highlight was the stretch in the woods after Monessie and also Glen Banchor. Maybe I'll do the Speyside Way next year. Need another challenge now! Hope the weather has held out for you.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110622193758|~|June 22, 2011 - 07:37 PM|~|Leza|~||~|Hi Nik, Glan Banchor was the best especially getting across the fast flowing water and it was quite deep when we crossed.  The woods after Monessie were brilliant the sun came out and all the moss started steaming, got a couple of lovely pictures.  The solitude of the whole walk was brilliant, nothing like it.  The sun was out at Loch Insh which made it difficult to leave as it was so picturesque, did you see the Osprey chick on the island on Loch Insh that was fantastic.  Best walk ever.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110716112802|~|July 16, 2011 - 11:28 AM|~|Admin|~||~|Love tweeting????  Why not search and join the east highland way twitter group! Its a hotbed of twits tweeting...|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110727141525|~|July 27, 2011 - 02:15 PM|~|Janet Finlayson|~||~|Hi, I have just visited your web site to post the link to my trip report on Walk Highlands but I see you have beaten me to it :-)<br><br>I thoroughly enjoyed the East Highland Way walk, and I got by using the guide book only. Having done it once, as a sometimes solo female walker, I would be comfortable going back and maybe wild camping along a few spots.<br><br>It is a terrific walk for spotting birds and wildlife, whereby the route increases your chances of seeing protected species like red squirrels, pine martens, and capercaille:-D<br><br>I only took one wrong turn and I'm still sacratching my head as to how I managed it (if anyone can tell me what I did wrong?): walking towards the sandy beach at Loch Laggan I always had it to my left, and I ended up reaching and walking along the main road across a gatehouse bridge about 0.5 miles before I should have done (missing seeing the saw mill, etc.) :-/<br><br>Best Wishes, Janet|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110727142647|~|July 27, 2011 - 02:26 PM|~|Janet Finlayson|~||~|Thanks, I suspected it might have been around there :-)|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110817210645|~|August 17, 2011 - 09:06 PM|~|Virginia Morgan-Davies|~||~|The Information re the EHW includes reference to &quot;Rough Camping&quot; at Faegour. This has resulted in walkers calling at our cottage called &quot;Faegour&quot; expecting accommodation and facilities. The Rough Camping is at &quot;Pattack Falls&quot; and the only facilities in the area are at Laggan. I would be obliged if this information could be published in the appropriate guide books and other relevant media.<br><br>As a matter of interest, the house known as Faegour has been in its present position since 1720 and served the Drovers road which passes to the North of the house.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110818160617|~|August 18, 2011 - 04:06 PM|~|Richard Spencer|~||~|I stay in Balgowan, just East of Laggan. I quite often meet folk tabbing along the hard surface of the A86(T), getting buffeted by timber-lorries and tour busses, who aren't clear where to turn off. <br><br>My puzzle is why whoever thought up this route didn't send people straight from Laggan, to join the Cluny hill track at NN643968? I agree that there is no obvious track today, but that was, I'm sure, once the obvious route from Laggan to Newtonmore!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110818205332|~|August 18, 2011 - 08:53 PM|~|Admin|~||~|The cluny hilltrack between laggan and glen banchor is mentioned in scottish hill tracks but doesnt exist. <br> marked on current os maps and refers to the area of strathmadhie around the falls. As you say - this may have origonated from the cottage name. Wild camping does not refer to a particular campsite.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110819083804|~|August 19, 2011 - 08:38 AM|~|Richard Spencer|~||~|The Cluny hill track is (now) almost motor-way standard from the NGR that I cited, to the bothy by the Calder. Then there is a long stretch with no defined route at all down Glen Banchor towards Glenballoch. If walkers can take that route, I'm puzzled that they can't get off the Trunk Road, and follow the direct route from Laggan!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110819140137|~|August 19, 2011 - 02:01 PM|~|Richard McGlashan|~||~|I have just completed the route in 2 days on a mountain bike..some decent tracks..but too much tar..still enjoyable.. best bits Cluny to the Bothy, parts of the Badenoch way from the Marshes.. and last sections would have better if it had not been pouring rain and some of the supposed way-markers were actually there to follow.. still smiling though|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110918150348|~|September 18, 2011 - 03:03 PM|~|Michael M|~||~|I have just completed the East Highland Way following the route described in the Kevin Langan guide (2011 edt). Great caution should be taken by anyone following the route to mark up 1:25k OS Maps thus avoiding erroneous left and right turns. It is also essential to have alternate routes as many of the rivers, example Alt nam Bruach, are impassable following three days rain. And, bridges such as the one mentioned over the river Calder have been absent for many years, locals advising conditions being to treacherous for the average adventurer. Rothiemurchus estate  posting the path at the end of the walk to the visitor centre as being 'horses only'. On Ardverickie estate they are attempting to force all walkers on a four killometre detour including crossing a weir- non of the above have been posted as a warning anywhere that we could find.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110922104607|~|September 22, 2011 - 10:46 AM|~|philip|~||~|can someone help me with the numbers in the book (NN ........).  do these numbers appear on a map?  which?<br><br>Thx for the help|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110928220827|~|September 28, 2011 - 10:08 PM|~|revisions for 2012|~||~|Guidebook revisions:<br>1 - please note the bridge in glen banchor has been removed beside the bothy. The river can be crossed easily in most conditions. Check locally if the streams are in spate during wetter weather.<br>2 - p62. 2nd bottom paragraph. Should read continue staight to insh farm, rather than killiechonate.<br>3 - Recent alteration...follow diversion signs through ardverikie estate.<br>4 - please note that the stream crossings at monessie and glen banchor can become difficult during wet conditions. If crossing - follow current rivercrossing advice- using an improvised stick or walking pole to form a tripod as you cross, facing upstream. Secondary footwear is advised.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20110929103223|~|September 29, 2011 - 10:32 AM|~|philip|~||~|Thanks for your info.<br><br>Tomorrow we will start walking the way.<br><br>Hope weather conditions will be good.<br><br>cheers|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20111011201546|~|October 11, 2011 - 08:15 PM|~|Debbie Hewitt|~||~|Hi, has anyone used the baggage transfer companies on the EHW, have found 2, one was quite rude in their e.mail to the other, which was sent to me!! Just wondered about price and reliability. Thanks.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20111024212722|~|October 24, 2011 - 09:27 PM|~|Gordon|~||~|Just returned from an enjoyable week on the EHW. Some comments that I hope you will take as constructive.<br>1. A better exit from FW is to follow the GG Way to Inverlochy Castle and then to the road at the Mallaig junction. Saves nearly 2 miles of pavement bashing and(in season) allows you to photograph the steam train on the Lochy Viaduct (10.20am.)<br>2.If following the Ardverkie signed diversion up to 503859, why not follow the tracks round and behind Binnien Shaus by Lochan na h-Earba to link up.It's no further. The forest road by Loch Laggan is hard going on the feet.<br>3. If phoning for a lift from Gallovie road end/Feagour, Virgin phones have NO RECEPTION! How do I know this?!<br>4.Glen Banchor can be serious after rain. The stalker suggested following the S. bank all the way to Newtonmore but then the estate gave us a lift across the river in the pickup.!However the other streams still required considerable care and the 'small shallow stream' in the wood near Glenballoch was approaching knee deep.  I think considerable further guidance needs to be given on this section as many EHwayers are unlikely to be familiar with such problems.<br>5. To prolong the joys of Rothiemurchas why not go Loch an Eilein- Piccadilly- Coylumbridge or even as far as Loch Garten and down the cycle path to Aviemore.<br><br>A very nice walk,  thanks Kevin.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20111029162544|~|October 29, 2011 - 04:25 PM|~|Rachel|~||~|My partner has recently purchased Glen Cottage in Feagour which we understand was once a bed and breakfast which provided overnight facilities for those undertaking the East Highland Way.  <br><br>We are currently discussing the potential to re-instate this facility by creating a new facility for guests with a baggage drop off service and an evening meal/breakfast service.  Would walkers/cyclists welcome this as a reinstated place to rest your legs and re-charge batteries?<br><br>Your feedback will determine whether we proceed through to planning/the relevant authorities with this thought.<br><br>Many thanks<br>Rachel|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20111029184019|~|October 29, 2011 - 06:40 PM|~|fiona|~||~|Glen Banchor Weather warning. I post these on Facebook, but have become aware that not everyone is seeing these. Today there has been a lot of heavy rain in the LAGGAN/GLEN BANCHOR AREA the water levels are already very high and we would advise that the Glen Banchor route is avoided for the next 2 to 3 days. Check locally before going up there.|~||~||~|
|~|20111030114653|~|October 30, 2011 - 11:46 AM|~|Mark Jamieson|~||~|Walked glen banchor yestarday and it was fine. Some boulder jumping required!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20111030121730|~|October 30, 2011 - 12:17 PM|~|Fiona|~||~|Mark - Really pleased to hear that Glen Banhor was good walking yesterday. The rain came down from late afternoon and lasted into the early hours of Sunday. Lovely bright day today but as it takes the water a day or so to travel down the streams we want to make sure everyone knows what it could be like over the next few days - hence our posting of last night. So good to know that you had a safe time yesterday.|~||~||~|
|~|20111103222718|~|November 03, 2011 - 10:27 PM|~|krull|~||~|HI, I'm hoping to do the EHW solo backpacking/camping in February. Any advice or comments would be much appreciated, especially concerning climate, passiblity of the route and getting supplies out of season. THX|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20111109174415|~|November 09, 2011 - 05:44 PM|~|krull|~||~|Thanks for that. Looks like I'll definitely be giving it a go. Not sure about wading in flip-flops in Feb! A couple of very light improvised waders may be in order. After having just done the WHW, I'm looking for more solitude/wilderness/challenge for the next one. <br>Rain is only to be expected. Can deal with that. Waking up in the middle of nowhere after a night of snowfall will make things interesting though.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20111116221004|~|November 16, 2011 - 10:10 PM|~|linesey|~||~|Any plans to release the guide on kindle or as a PDF? I have bought the paper one but an electronic version would help keep the weight down when backpacking (assuming you use the guide for reference rather than navigation).|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20111231160317|~|December 31, 2011 - 04:03 PM|~|kevin macdonald|~||~|Hi there, is there anychance of completing this walk by bike. I have managed to concor the west highland, speyside and great glen by bike this year and would love to concor this also by bike.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120104101000|~|January 04, 2012 - 10:10 AM|~|Ali Ogden|~||~|Hi<br>We're taking over the Newtonmore Bunkhouse in February.  We're keen to have our hostel on your accomodation links but I can't work out how to contact you directly by email or phone.  Could you let me know who to contact and if possible the fees.  We're keen walkers so hopefully understand the needs of EHW walkers and we plan to walk the route in the Spring.<br>Thanks Ali|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120221102601|~|February 21, 2012 - 10:26 AM|~|Laggan Forest Trust|~||~|We are meeting an increasing number of East Highland Way walkers here at Laggan Forest Trust - well done! <br><br>During the holiday months the BaseCamp cafe is open here at Laggan Wolftrax, but if walkers want a cuppa and a seat in the warmth on the days when the cafe is closed they are very welcome to drop into the Laggan Forest Trust office (behind Basecamp cafe at Wolftrax car park). We are open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm and can be contacted on 01528 544366 if walkers want to check ahead.|~||~||~|
|~|20120221223709|~|February 21, 2012 - 10:37 PM|~|fiona dodds|~||~|My 1st weather & conditions update for 2012! I know that a few folk have already done this fab walk this year hence I've been prompted.<br>So last weekend we had snow - a fair bit to be honest and then the temperatures increased so a rapid thaw has followed. Ground conditions damp with water levels in streams & rivers high. Also the December storms caused a lot of trees to be damaged so a few bits of the route in the Black Wood & Ardverkie estate areas could cause issues for a while yet.|~||~||~|
|~|20120306144503|~|March 06, 2012 - 02:45 PM|~|peter johnston|~||~|I have just read some of the comments pages we are going to walk the East highlands way 1st week in April The 5mile road walking is it being eliminated where can I get the new route alterations instructions.<br>regards|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120306201333|~|March 06, 2012 - 08:13 PM|~|Admin|~||~|Hey. There will be alterations to optimise the route which will be adopted in the next edition of the guidebook - hopefully published before the summer. Ill keep you all posted regarding any guidebook revisions when i get some clarity with the publishers.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120307190543|~|March 07, 2012 - 07:05 PM|~|peter johnston|~||~|Hello Admin,any chance the alterations can be brought out now in PDF or an Email attachment, this is done by The Rob Roy way on changes.<br>regards|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120317174454|~|March 17, 2012 - 05:44 PM|~|Bigredwombat|~||~|Will be walking the EHW in June. Very interested in any updates to the guidebook to eliminate road walking. Interested in your thoughts on bypassing Newtonmore to the south following the Spey, using the Wildcat trail. When it turns north, about even with the Highland Folk Museum, is it possible to continue to follow the Spey, until it meets the existing EHW at the bridge on Ruthven Road?<br><br>Thanks.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120424094003|~|April 24, 2012 - 09:40 AM|~|laggan gaskmore hotel|~||~|just to let anyone know we have 25 upgraded rooms dbls, twins,and fires and drying facilities with a great menu for evening meals, pick up can be tea and cakes for people walking by our front door sit outside and take in the mountain views.|~||~||~|
|~|20120427200536|~|April 27, 2012 - 08:05 PM|~|DIXIE|~||~|Hello all Thinking of trying this around mid May Anything I need to know or be aware of? Thanks in advance|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120428124604|~|April 28, 2012 - 12:46 PM|~|Steve|~||~|High, we are walking this route back to front. Any idea if the guide book would work for us read backwards (if you get my drift) ? If not, what OS maps would we need ? <br>Cheers|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120429123841|~|April 29, 2012 - 12:38 PM|~|Steve|~||~|Thanks for the info & quick response.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120509192457|~|May 09, 2012 - 07:24 PM|~|Wanderingsnoop|~||~|Hi,<br><br>Like Buggiba I'm delighted to hear that 9 miles of road walking will be chopped in the 3rd edition but I'm also frustrated that I can't find details of this new improved route - I bought the 2nd edition on 3rd May and will start walking away from Fort Bill on Sunday 13th May ... any chance you could post a map of the new alternatives before then? <br><br>Doing so would no more dissuade people from buying the book than the current information on the website...<br><br>Please, please, pretty please? (I hate tarmac!).<br><br>Thanks in advance, WS.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120513103337|~|May 13, 2012 - 10:33 AM|~|Ben|~||~|Hi,<br><br>I'm walking the EHW in september. Like some others, it's easier for us to walk the route the other way around, because it works out better with train connections. I bought the book a couple of months ago, and I have the route in my gps. I'm not sure I inted to use the book, but I'm wondering if my gps with the route (and I'm planning on buying a Garmin UK map) will be enough? Will there be any gpx files for the newer parts available in the future? Or what is the easiest way of walking the route in this direction? (maps, book, gps?)<br><br>Thanks everyone! After walking the WHW I'm very excited about walking the EHW.<br><br>Ben|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120521112340|~|May 21, 2012 - 11:23 AM|~|Jane|~||~|Hello there. <br>I work at the tourist information centre in Elgin and recently a lady came in to tell me that she had walked the new East Highland Way following the guide book. She said that she had experienced some difficulty between Laggan and Newtonmore with burns and streams being much deeper than described in the guide book. Also the 1st bridge mentioned on this leg of the route was down which meant they had to take a lengthy detour. She wasn't sure who to contact with regard to passing on this information and wasn't able to use the internet. Therefore, I said I would pass on this feedback on her behalf as you may want to investigate this part of the route to check whether the guide book is accurate. Thank you. :)|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120530152951|~|May 30, 2012 - 03:29 PM|~|A. Mackenzie|~||~|Please can I mention through your website our on-going timber harvesting operations within Inverlair and Corrour Forests - Sections 2 and 3 respectively of the East Highland Way. Please can all East Highland Way users adhere to all site signage. Thank you.<br><br>Assistant Area Manager<br>Euroforest Limited|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120603222706|~|June 03, 2012 - 10:27 PM|~|Admin|~||~|EHW route map with all the current updates:<br><br>|~||~||~|
|~|20120616111921|~|June 16, 2012 - 11:19 AM|~|meggy walker|~||~|i walked the ehw on the 11th may  with my 3 sisters it was a really good walk except the laggan to newtonmore the bridge was down and with the rain the river was really deep we walked about 3miles down the river till we came to like gates over the river to we hung on to the wire to get across it was quite scary as we are all in over 60 and it was not well signed our b&b and hotels were first class and so friendly i would definately do the walk again and recommened it to everyone the views are fantastic|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120704121625|~|July 04, 2012 - 12:16 PM|~|Peter Johnston|~||~|I have looked on the latest update of the route but cannot seem to find any written updates?<br><br>Anyone with any information on this please share on this guestbook.<br><br>Thanks Again|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120704192534|~|July 04, 2012 - 07:25 PM|~|Admin|~||~|This website will be updated with the current info in the coming weeks. The 3rd edition of the guidebook is back from thr printers and contains the written updates. Available to preorder on Amazon.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120710212936|~|July 10, 2012 - 09:29 PM|~|Fiona Dodds|~||~|Glen Banchor - avoid it folks at the moment. Lots & lots of heavy prolonged rain today, following previous days of lighter rain. Our guests at present are all opting for the Glen Truim route.<br>Please remember that the rivers will all be high and there are no bridges in Glen Banchor.|~||~||~|
|~|20120718002823|~|July 18, 2012 - 12:28 AM|~|Edmund|~||~|Hi All<br><br>Is the EHW as clearly marked as the WHW? Other than the book, is there a map that shows the whole route other than the Ordnance ones? Is the update about Glen Banchor (the bridge by the bothy) updated in this website? Sorry for asking so much, just really excited about this and I want to make it right!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120718011109|~|July 18, 2012 - 01:11 AM|~|Admin|~||~|The route is only wsymarked in places and will continue to be waymarked further throughout the year.<br>There is no published maps other than in the guide. The new guidebook contains all the current route revisions. (Further gpx & google earth maps can be found on the hopepage to download.) There are A4 printable maps of each location in the new amenities brochure which can also be downloaded and printed.<br>A full route overview map can be viewed in the new android app available through google play.<br>Hope that helps.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120718063445|~|July 18, 2012 - 06:34 AM|~|Louise rankine|~||~|Just completed the EHW yesterday- what a stunning route! It took me 4 days inclusive of travel from edinburgh, wild camping each night- book the megabus in advance and the fare is only 6!! Its more fun that it is not waymarked since you get to do a wee bit of navigation for yourself.  The guidebook was superb, very clear instructions and together with OS 1:50 maps it is next to impossible to get lost.  <br><br>Re glen banchor, yes it is very boggy from the stalkers bothy for around 2-3km until the path becomes more distinct.  In terms of there being no foot bridge, i crossed when the river was high after a few days of intense rain looking for a footbridge that's now gone.  However, if you go around 300m upstream from the bothy, a kindly soul has put down several large stones which make crossing possible, even with a full pack (tent etc).<br><br>One little note- a couple of the gates mentioned in the last 2 sections of the route (newtonmore to avirmore) are down, e.g. the book says go through an old timber gate on page 165.  Just use a wee bit of common sense and you'll be fine (if in doubt get the compass out).  <br><br>I've done a few of the long distance trails (great glen way, west highland and speyside) and the east highland way is easily the most enjoyable :D|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120718145810|~|July 18, 2012 - 02:58 PM|~|Hazel|~||~|Hola Chicos<br>Walked the EHW last week and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  Yes you should have OS Maps to x-check with the book as there are a few mistakes in the book.  This makes you think and check your route rather than just follow arrows/signs.   Listen to advice from locals such as Simon & Fiona Dodds at The Rumblie.  It's an adventure so enjoy the wonderful scenery in this part of Scotland and stay walk again!!|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120718162612|~|July 18, 2012 - 04:26 PM|~|Admin|~||~|Great to read everyones feedback. (Please note all known errors have been picked up in this latest edition of the guidebook (3rd edition july 2012) with almost 10 miles of reduced road walking). <br>Cheers|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120828082522|~|August 28, 2012 - 08:25 AM|~|Daniel|~||~|Hi. We are a Norwegian couple coming in September to walk the EHW. We are going to be walking the route with a year old in a child carrier therefore we are not camping and relying solely on B&B's. We are a little concerned about the stretch from Inverlair to Feagour. We would like to split this section of the walk into 2 days as 21 miles will be a bit much for our one year old. Is there any  accommodation between Inverlair and Feagour? Possibly near Moy? This would be a big help. If there is not, is there  a bus which will take us from Inverlair to Feagour?|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120828091836|~|August 28, 2012 - 09:18 AM|~|Daniel|~||~|Another question as well. Is there a service that will transport a baby carriage or luggage from Fort William to Avimore?|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120828123954|~|August 28, 2012 - 12:39 PM|~|Daniel|~||~|Thank you for the fast reply. We will check out the taxi solution. Can you please give me some suggestions for baggage transfer.|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120828144624|~|August 28, 2012 - 02:46 PM|~|Fiona Dodds|~||~|Would recommend/suggest for your luggage transfer. He covers the East Highland Way along with Kingussie Taxi|~||~||~|
|~|20120830200759|~|August 30, 2012 - 08:07 PM|~|Alethea|~||~|Does anyone know what the trails are like and do you think you could mountain bike the whole thing?|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120830220149|~|August 30, 2012 - 10:01 PM|~|Admin|~||~|Many people have cycled the route. Not as many technical footpath/trails as some may like. Glen Banchor and Glen Gynack would be the most technically difficult. Cheers|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120831133829|~|August 31, 2012 - 01:38 PM|~|Alethea|~||~|thanks for the advice-just done great glen way and west highland way on bikes so think EHW and speyside way could be the next routes|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20120919083259|~|September 19, 2012 - 08:32 AM|~|The Rumblie|~||~|Guests have reported that the &quot;Logging Road&quot; section in Ardverkie Estate is very tricky this week. About 3ft of mud due to the forestry lorrys, other vehicles and of course it's rained! Please go prepared to cope with the conditions. Also with all the rain Glen Banchor is likely to be very wet/damp under foot with the River Calder & other streams quite high.|~||~||~|
|~|20120927183203|~|September 27, 2012 - 06:32 PM|~|Jim|~||~|I passed through Ardverkie estate on Thursday can confirm it is very very muddy in places - take care|~|http://|~||~|
|~|20121004211558|~|October 04, 2012 - 09:15 PM|~|Admin|~||~|Make sure you vote in this years Great Outdoor awards!|~||~||~|
|~|20121023154150|~|October 23, 2012 - 03:41 PM|~|Mary Sharkey|~||~|Did EHW last month & very much enjoyed it, despite the wet conditions. Had lovely accomodation in hostels & B&B's throughout til I reached Kincraig & the really awful Ossian Inn. No heating, hand-held shower over bath, bathroom not seen a damp cloth in quite some time. They weren't even  going to feed me dinner - no notification that the place was literally a building site, not even a hairdryer much less the promised TV/DVD Player. Was wishing myself back in Newtonmore @ the superb hostel there! Couldn't wait to leave in the morning after thinking I had booked quite a posh Inn for my penultimate night before walking in to Aviemore! DON'T STAY HERE! As I booked direct I can't post reviews but the users of the EHW deserve to know.<br><br>P.S. The Rumblie in Laggan is awesome & the hostels at Achluachrach & Newtonmore excellent too!|~|http://|~||~|